Je me présente - French All About Me -Google Slides™ Lesson & Activities BUNDLE!
Je me présente - French All About Me -Google Slides™ Lesson & Activities BUNDLE!
Save 15% off my French Je me présente Google Slides™ digital resources for an All About Me Unit when you buy this bundle! This purchase includes THREE resources that are available individually in my store:
Je me présente ! - French All About Me - Google Slides™ Lesson: This resource is a fun and effective way to teach students how to speak and write about themselves in French, including their likes and dislikes. It also teaches students how to ask other people questions in French to better communicate with them and get to know them. Three differentiated versions of the same lesson are included to meet all the needs of your Core French language learners, regardless of grade level.
Included are the following topics:
- name
- age
- birthday
- hair and eye colour
- siblings
- pets
- favourite things (colour, sport, school subject, food, season, animal)
Trois vérités et un mensonge - French Google Slides™ Activity & Game: This resource is a fun and authentic way for students to write and speak about themselves in French, and is also a great opportunity for students to practice their listening and reading comprehension skills by understanding information about their peers.
Each student is assigned one slide with their name on it and they are tasked to write three truths and one lie (in any order) about themselves, then decorate the slide with images to represent the 4 statements. Once finished, the whole-class game will start. Each student will present their slide to the class. Their peers will choose the number of the statement that they think is false. Those who guess the lie correctly will earn one point. If nobody guesses the lie correctly, the presenter wins the point. The student who has the most points at the end of the game wins!
In my classroom, I print the 4 numbers and post them in the 4 corners of my classroom. After students read their slide, their peers can physically walk over to the number that they think is the lie. This allows the activity and game to be more interactive and engaging for students. Alternatively, after students present their slide, their peers can use their computers to scroll to the numbers 1-4 slides to guess the lie (no movement required with this option).
Included is the following:
- Student task instructions (in both French and English)
- Game instructions (in both French and English)
- Teacher instructions for the Number 1-4 slides
- Number 1-4 signs
- Example
- Blank example template (if you want to create your own for your class, rather than use mine)
- 30 editable slides for you to write your students' names (assign one student per slide)
Qui suis-je ? - French Je me présente Google Slides™ Activity & Game: This resource is a fun and authentic way for students to write about themselves in French, and is also a great opportunity for students to practice their reading comprehension skills by understanding information about their peers.
Each student is tasked to write 7 facts about themselves, mostly to do with their physical characteristics. They are to then add images to represent their physical description. Once their slide is complete, you (the teacher) have to copy and paste the completed slide for each student into a new Google Slides™ and share it with the class for the game to begin.
The students will read each slide written by their classmates and - based off the facts written - are to guess which slide belongs to which peer. They will keep track of their guesses using the recording chart that is provided. The student who has the most correct matches wins the game!
Included is the following:
- Student task instructions (in both French and English)
- Game instructions (in both French and English)
- Teacher information and instructions
- Recording chart
- Example
- Slide template for students to write their 7 facts on
For each of the 3 resources, text boxes are already provided on each slide for your students to type directly on. These are excellent interactive resources to use for both in-person and distance or online learning via Google Classroom™ or by projecting it on your classroom board. They encourage oral communication, participation, and community building in the French classroom!