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Clements' Classroom

Carnaval de Québec - Festival d'hiver - School Event - BUNDLE!

Carnaval de Québec - Festival d'hiver - School Event - BUNDLE!

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Save 15% off my French resources for a Carnaval de Québec school-wide winter festival event when you buy this bundle! This purchases includes FIVE resources that are available individually in my store:


Carnaval de Québec - Festival d'hiver - School Event Editable Google Slides™: This Carnaval event is designed in a way so that classes can travel from room to room to complete different activities throughout the day. Classroom teachers lead the one event they're assigned to in their own classroom, with different classes rotating around the school to different stations, throughout the entire day.

These Carnaval Google Slides™ include the following editable templates and information to make sure the event runs smoothly and to help homeroom teachers better understand the station they are leading:

  • YouTube playlist for classes to listen to while at each station
  • Master schedule of times for events/activities
  • Notes for teachers
  • Planning Time Schedule
  • Class schedule
  • Teacher's Stations
  • Number of students per class/grade
  • YouTube video for the opening ceremony
  • Kahoot! game for the opening ceremony
  • 6 station ideas, with a list of materials needed and instructions:
  1. Loto de l'hiver (Winter Bingo)
  2. Masques de Mardi Gras (Mardi Gras Masks)
  3. Sculptures de sucre (Sugar Sculptures)
  4. Course de bateaux (boat racing)
  5. Bracelets fléchés (Arrowed Bracelets)
  6. Roche-Papier-Ciseaux (Rock Paper Scissors Hoop Hop Showdown
  • List of school safe snack ideas, word search and certificate idea for the closing ceremony


Carnaval de Québec - Festival d'hiver - Loto de l'hiver - French Winter Bingo: This Loto de l'hiver Bingo game is an excellent way for your students to develop their French vocabulary related to winter!

Included are the following winter vocabulary words: un patin, un manteau, la neige, une cheminée, un chalet, un chocolat chaud, une tuque, une écharpe, un arbre, un renne, un igloo, un ours, un lapin, une couverture, un bonhomme de neige, les skis, un chandail, un renard, le hockey, un raton laveur, un pingouin, les mitaines, un écureuil, & un bas

Students are given an HIVER template card, as well as a paper with 24 French winter vocabulary items. They are to cut out all of the images and glue them to the HIVER card in any order they would like. Once cut out and glued, you can laminate the sheets so that you can reuse them every year!

Included are also Teacher Calling Cards, which are larger versions of the 24 French winter vocabulary items for you to cut out and randomly select for students to match on their own Bingo sheet and put a chip marker on top. The first students to get a straight line either vertically or horizontally wins the game.


Carnaval de Québec mots cachés - Festival d'hiver - French Word Search Activity: This word search includes 30 French vocabulary words related to Carnaval and students are to find these words that are hidden within the box, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Once finished, they can find the English translation of each word and write it down using or!

 I use this word search both in my Carnaval de Québec thematic unit for Grade 5 Core French, as well as during the final period of our school-wide Carnaval winter festival to help the students unwind and relax after a busy day!

 An answer key is included.


Carnaval de Québec - Festival d'hiver - School Event Certificate of Completion:

If you're planning a school wide Carnaval de Québec event for your Grades 4 to 8 French language learners, this is an excellent resource for the closing ceremony or end of day final activity!

These certificates of completion come in 3 different sizes for you to print out to your liking:

  • one full horizontal page (11 x 8.5")
  • half-letter size (8.5 x 5.5")
  • quarter-page (4.25 x 5.5")

All you have to do is print and cut them out, then write the names of your students and date on each certificate!

At the end of our school's Carnaval festival during the closing ceremony, right before the students go home, I like to call out each student's name and have them come up to the front of the classroom to receive their certificate of completion, while their peers cheer for them. It is a great way to end a fun day, as well as build classroom community and create core memories. Students can keep this certificate as a souvenir of their elementary school years!

Carnaval de Québec - Bonhomme, Bonhomme - French Chanson Listening Comprehension:

This listening comprehension activity to the famous song « Bonhomme, Bonhomme » is an excellent way to practice and assess French listening comprehension skills, while also celebrating le Carnaval de Québec in your French classroom!

There are two sections within the activity for students to complete after listening to the song. First, there are 10 instruments listed and students must circle the 4 instruments that are mentioned in the song, as well as cross out the 6 incorrect instruments. In the second section, students are to write down the 4 instruments in the correct order that they are heard in the song by filling in the blanks.

When completing this activity in my own classroom, I like to play the song many times on repeat, with only the audio being projected, not the music video. If needed (depending on my class), I will sometimes pause the music after a new instrument is listed to give my students time to find the correct instrument.

An answer key is available for efficient grading, along with a link to the song on YouTube for easy access.


These resources have been highly requested by many French teachers after following my Carnaval planning journey on Instagram! Be sure to check out my page and highlights for ideas to help guide you when planning your own school-wide festival! Joyeux Carnaval!

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