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Clements' Classroom

Je suis une pizza! - French Song/Chanson - Fill in the Blanks Listening Activity

Je suis une pizza! - French Song/Chanson - Fill in the Blanks Listening Activity

Regular price $2.00 CAD
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This fill-in-the-blank listening activity to the song « Je suis une pizza! » by Charlotte Diamond is a great way to practice and assess French listening comprehension skills!


Students will listen to the song and use the word box to fill in the missing lyrics. I like to play the song 3 times, pausing the music after every blank to give students time to find the missing word. There are 15 fill-in-the-blanks related to La pizza (pizza toppings) vocabulary. Included are two versions of the activity (one with a link to the song on YouTube for easy access and one without), as well as an answer key for efficient grading!


Combine this resource with the other activities available in the « Pizza Unit » Bundle of this store to have a fun, new unit for your French class!


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